The first trip of 2015. and we are spending a cold January away in the Forest of Dean. Based in Bracelands its an incredible -6 degrees outside. and we are all toasty warm. So what precautions have we taken to ensure a trouble free get away ?
In actual fact we have done very little, but some preparation before and after the trip is essential. The biggest issue is the water supply to the van. Pretty much everything else has operated exactly as it does when we are out in warmer weather. but do take these precautions when
When not in use.
- Ensure the water tank (if you have one) is empty. Frozen water / Frost damage is very destructive
- Make sure all taps are open, and in our mixer taps – they are open for both hot & cold
- Keep as much of the cushions away from the walls of the van
- Open every cupboard, draw and door to allow air flow.
- Dot some dehumidifiers around the place, at the back of cupboards and in lockers
- Leave the waste water flaps open, but place an old sock or fabric bag over to prevent rodents from setting up home
- Leave the drain down tap open.
When we are winter camping
- Raise the water roller off the floor. Just a plank of wood will work – but try to keep some air flow under the container and away from the ground.
- Use some pipe lagging around the inlet pipework.
- If possible make up a thermal jacket around the container – you can purchase a water jacket from most DIY outlets in the plumbing section
- Keep a bottle of water in the van incase things get frozen.
- When ever you see condensation on the windows – wipe it away as soon as you can. This will reduce the humidity in the van as it gets warmer
- Leave the winter covers on the fridge. Try to reduce the efficiency of the fridge by restricting the cold air that is drawn in.
- make sure you DO NOT cover the holes in the bottom of the lockers. These are an essential gas safety feature.
When we leave the site
- Drain down the hot water tank
- keep taps open
- Keep the drain down tap open
- Keep the waste flaps open.
The motion of towing home will clear a lot of residual water out of the caravan (but not all) so to ensure you have no freezing issues here is a snappy tip I picked up while we were away. Run some anti freeze down the plug holes of the kitchen and washroom sink. Make sure it runs out, then if any liquid is held in the caravan it will be Anti-Freeze based liquid, and the risk of freezing pipes is drastically reduced. – make sure you do run the anti-freeze into a bottle and dispose of it in the chemical waste point.
So only a quick run down, and in fact a lot of it is common sense. But we hope this will help you prepare for, and get out in the winter. Its beautiful out there.