It’s spring which means it’s the beginning of the camping season and with the longer evenings now stretching out in front of us, why wouldn’t we want to hitch up and head off into the sunset.
Before you set off, just consider this. Many caravans have been sat still over the winter months and some caravans longer than that too. It is, therefore important that we need to ensure that the ‘van is both safe and ready for us to use when we head off out into the great outdoors.
If your caravan has been sat idle for a great deal of time, it is highly recommended that you get a good service to ensure your van fine and safe to use too. In the meantime, if your ‘van has been left idle for just a couple of months I have created a downloadable checklist of 6 items that you can check off are safe and working well. It is important for both the safety of the ‘van and to ensure that when we arrive on site we can use all of the equipment with no nasty surprises.
The 6 areas that are covered include
- The Battery
- The Water supply
- The oily bits.
- The towing lights
- The tyres
- The Gas
Click here for the checklist, I’ve created it as an A5 to make it compact, its by no means exhaustive and if your ‘van has been laid up for any period of time, I strongly recommend you have a full service on the caravan to ensure everything is safe.
Let me know if this works for you, or any edits and suggestions.
Thanks Dan very good
Thank you for all what you do, all very helpful information.
Hi i watched the video about motor mover brushes on how to replace them please could you tell me where i can get them i have looked on ebay but no joy thanks yours faithfully Mal.
really enjoy your videos. We were from Chippenham, but now live in the States. We are returning at the end of the year. once settled we will be out looking for a caravans. We will also be purchasing an awning. Can you give us some names of awning, web sites, and prices. We will only be able to buy second hand vans what are the magazines calls to do some research.
I’m loving your Website and you tube videos. Having just purchased a touring caravan (2003 – model – pretty old). We’ve never caravaned, so are about to start our adventures. Our first trip will be 26th August. Just the 2 of us and our puppy. I’ve decided to call the caravan Dora (the explorer). Your advice has been invaluable to us. So thank you very much.
Dan, concentrate on getting better. Look after yourselves