It’s true. I have a book in the making. So far, I have written 16 chapters of various topics all relating to caravanning. It’s a natural extension from our YouTube channel and links many topics that we have covered together.
It also provides extra information that cannot easily be contained on a video.
What is the book about? Well that’s where it gets a bit tricky. You see, I’m crowd funding this project and until the project is agreed and the publisher agrees with what I want to create and share, then it’s all a bit hush I’m afraid. But it relates to caravanning and will be great for newcomers, seasoned tourers and anyone who enjoys our channel.
If you are unaware of what crowd funding is, it’s a funding initiative that allows backers to support a new and upcoming project. In this case a book, the backers would have access to “perks” that the public simply cannot buy. Perks such as having a signed hardback copy, your name listed in the book as a backer, a launch party etc (actual perks have not been agreed yet – so don’t quote me on these just yet)
So why am I asking for your email address at this stage? I want to be able to offer a very special perk to those who have shown interest at a very early stage and keep people up to date on how the project is going.
There is no obligation to buy or back this project and I take your data very seriously. Hence why I’m using Mail Chimp to collate the email addresses. If you sign up, Mail Chimp will send a confirmation email and you can unsubscribe at any time.
If you are interested please, take a moment to fill in the form below.
Thank you.
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