I feel like I’m 17 all over again. Fuel is cheap, I can’t get a drink from the pub and I’m grounded at home. Of course I’m not alone, being contained in a brick building while mother nature flexes her wicked sense of humour showing me what the world would be like if I were allowed outside, but no. I’m inside feeling guilty, while the key workers gallantly carry on into battle.
At home, we have everything we need, I have work to complete (quite a bit actually) I have ways of generating an income, we have food, water, shelter and Disney Plus. To be honest, my working week has differed little, I get up at 7 as Angela leaves for work, have breakfast and make a start to the admin, then crack on with the main tasks of the day, Walk the dog at lunch, finish at 4pm, start dinner and wait for Angela to get home from work.
Nope, nothing out of the ordinary, and everything is almost the same. The only big difference is the addition of a home-schooled Chloe. But that challenge is for a different post!
The issue for me is the weekends. When I would be out, doing “stuff”, going to the shops, perhaps taking a longer, nicer walk. And in the wonderful weather that is happening right now, I’d hesitate to say we would be away in the caravan.

In fact, at the time of writing, we would be away right now. We had a lovely Easter planned, more CLs, more friends and time away from home, exploring new locations. Alas, for the greater good, we are home.
And my word, how I’m missing the caravan. Simple things like popping up and just spending an hour sitting, contemplating and planning for the year ahead. Instead, when it would be so easy to just do nothing, we have been busy. Sorting the garden, getting the bikes out and going for rides. (and yes, I’m sore after just the first ride) But, it keeps the mind happy, the body active and for a few hours at the weekend, some pleasure that it’s not all doom and gloom. I’ve also been finishing up restoring some old Game Boys, and making further progress building an arcade machine at home. Topics, that are not for this blog.
Just before Easter Angela and I sat down and filmed a Lock Down Q&A. A questions and answers video is something we have not done for quite some time. So, now seems fitting that we should answer some of the questions we were asked. So, let me introduce our Lockdown Q&A
Make a cup of tea, this is a long one. I hope you enjoy it, and gives you some rest bite from being at home but remember; stay safe.
Life’s very similar over here, although as a Postman I do have the relative luxury of getting out of the house most days. I’m glad I’m not the only one who occasionally visits the storage yard purely for the purpose of pretending to ‘caravan’ for an hour or so
Mellerud Caravan Shield
Every time I use this product as soon as i tough the bodywork on the caravan its solidifies what iam i doing wrong i finish up full of white specks so it doesnt go on evenly
Hi Dan
I was checking amazon books the other day and found John wickersham caravan manuals.(Haynes) . I think this could be your chance to go on the Dragons den and get finance as the book were published 1993 with a couple of updated versions last one is edition 4.
I think the author has past away and it looks like a niche for some one to address the possibility of a new manual for the growing caravan owners
It’s time Dan to blow the dust of your manuscript update it as you know massive changes since 1993. I used to read the caravan monthly magazines but they have started to reuse acticles from previous on diy etc so I have binned the need to buy them any more as 65% of the pages are advertising but I would buy a book if it was currently following the trends etc